Document Title

Ever-growing Knowledge

Prof. Amit Gross

Demonstrating his pilot fish tanks

Dr. Vered Tzin

Showing emmer wheat plots testing for aphid resistance.

BARD reads your research proposals and have the best experts evaluate and judge them. Once the projects are up and running, it's exciting to start seeing results in the field.

Prof. Amit Gross is conducting research that recovers energy, nutrient and water recovery from dairy waste. This BARD project involves a combination of chemical and environmental engineers at two land grant institutions the University of California, Riverside (UCR) and Cornell University (CU). Each team brings a unique set of expertise to this project.

Dr. Vered Tzin is working on identifying the molecular markers that will help protect wheat against pest feeding damage. Wheat is a staple crop worldwide that suffers from severe economic yield losses due to insect herbivory feeding. This project is run jointly with Hanan Sela, of Tel Aviv University and Brian Dilkes, of Purdue University.

Dr. Roy Bernstein is conducting research on nanocomposite hydrogel membranes for fouling mitigation in wastewater reclamation for agricultural production. Wastewater reuse is becoming an attractive option as a water resource for agricultural production and is expected to grow in the coming years due to water scarcity around the world. Dr. Bernstein is working jointly with Prof. Menachem Elimelech, from the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at Yale University.