Welcome Aboard New Team Members

Yehudit Newman

Yehudit Newman

Communicatons Specialist


Yehudit will work with BARD's team to promote the fund's public relations and communications. Yehudit has worked at Tel Aviv University's development and public affairs division, the donor recognition team, and served as the tech and science media assistant at the British Embassy in Israel where promoted binational UK-Israel higher education, science and innovation programs and set-up the communications for the UK-Israel tech hub.

She also worked as a PR account manager for international tech companies at Shachar Marketing communications. Yehudit holds a B.A. in political science and communications from Bar Ilan University.


Shlomo Wald

Shlomo Wald

Technology Transfer Professional


Shlomo will work with our recipients and graduates and help them take their research from the lab to the commercial market. He has previously worked as the chief-scientist of the Israeli Ministry of National Infrastructures, Energy and Water Resources, where he was responsible for long-term national policy and technology development in energy, water, earth and marine sciences.

He has conducted academic and industrial R&D programs in Israel and around the world. Shlomo holds a B.Sc. in physics and mathematics from Tel-Aviv University, and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.