Acknowledging Our Researchers

Prof. Gene Robinson of University of Illinois acknowledged for outstanding research contributions

We are excited to acknowledge the long-standing, warm, partnership of Prof. Gene Robinson of the University of Illinois, with BARD. He has conducted several joint research projects with Israeli researchers and mentored students through the postdoctoral program through BARD.

Prof. Gene Robinson and Avraham Hefetz of Tel Aviv Univercity have conducted joint reaeaerch on B. terrestris, the common bumble bee. Understanding the social behavior of B. terrestris paves the way to facilitate colony manipulation and to adjust the colonies for specific pollination requirements.

Yoram Kapulnik Executive Director, BARD: “We believe your work with BARD is a great example of excellent joint U.S-Israel agricultural research collaboration, running under standards of excellence we wish to promote and support”. BARD’s operations over the past 40 years have become a benchmark for binational agricultural funding. We support fundamental and applied research relevant to the agricultural community both in the U.S and Israel.

“Your collaboration with Prof. Bloch, of the Hebrew University and Prof. Hefetz, of Tel Aviv University, as well as the mentoring of several of BARD’s Israeli post-docs in your lab, are a proof of the importance of US-Israel bi-national cooperation in such important topic for agricultural production all over the world".

Yoram Kapulnik and Gene Robinson