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BARD Postdoctoral Alumni

Last Name First Name Year Current Institution HostName Postdoc Host Institution homepage
Afik Ohad 2008 Hebrew U K. Delaplane University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc.
Agam Nurit 2005 Ben Gurion U W. Kustas USDA, Agricultural Research Service http://www.micrometlab.com
Aizen Yosi 2011 Hebrew U P. Thomas University of Texas at Austin
Amsalem Etya 2013 Penn State U C.M. Grozinger Pennsylvania State University http://www.amsalemlab.com
Andrawis Andrawis 1986 INDEPENDENT R.W. Buescher University of Arkansas, Board of Trustees
Angelovici Ruthie 2010 U Missouri D. DellaPenna Michigan State University https://ipg.missouri.edu/faculty/RuthieAngelovici.cfm
Ardon Orly 1998 Hebrew U J. Kaplan University of Utah
Attia Ziv 2019 Hebrew U Nolan Kane U of Colorado, Boulder
Avisar Dror 2004 Tel Aviv U V.V. Dolja Oregon State University
Bacher Harel 2021 Cornell Michael Gore U Cornell
Bahar Ofir 2010 ARO, Min. Ag. P.C. Ronald The Regents of the University of California, Davis http://ofirb7.wixsite.com/bahar-lab
Baharal Saar Maya 2019 Florida U Hua Yan U Florida
Band Mark 1997 U Illinois H.A. Lewin The Regents of the University of California, Davis http://www.biotech.illinois.edu/functionalgenomics
Bar-Peled Ud 1995 Min. of Health L. Hennighausen National Institutes of Health
Bar-Zeev Edo 2012 Ben Gurion U M. Elimelech Yale University
Ben-Chaim Arnon 2002 ARO, Min. Ag. M. Jahn University of Wisconsin - Madison
Ben-David Hilla 1991 Weizmann Inst. W. Gruissem The Regents of the University of California, Berkeley
Ben-Sasson Moshe 2011 Weizmann Inst. M. Elimelech Yale University
Ben Zeev Shiran 2022 Penn State Jesse Lasky U Penn State
Berke Terry 1993 U Illinois A. Bar Zur Regional R&D Center - The Galilee Society
Best Corinne 2021 Rutgers U Pal Maliga U Rutgers
Bloch Guy 1997 Hebrew U G.E. Robinson University of Illinois http://guybloch.huji.ac.il/
Bober Rachel 2010 Hebrew U J.G. Hildebrand Arizona Board of Regents, The University of Arizona
Boehm Eric 1994 U Florida R. Fluhr Weizmann Institute of Science
Boxman Suzanne 2015 U So. Florida M. Shpigel Israel Oceanogr. & Limnolog. Res. Ltd.
Brill Eyal 1996 Hebrew U R.E. Just University of Maryland
Brindt Naaran 2019 Hebrew U Tammo Steenhuis U Cornell
Brown Miyara Sigal 2006 ARO, Min. Ag. N.P. Keller University of Wisconsin - Madison
Brukental Hillel 2023 U Hebrew Steven Knapp UC, Davis
Bukchin-Peles Shira 2021 Tel Aviv U David Zilberman UC, Berkeley
Burko Yogev 2013 Hebrew U J. Chory The Salk Institute
Carmi Ofer 1987 INDEPENDENT E.W. Nester University of Washington
Chefetz Benny 1998 Hebrew U P.G. Hatcher The Ohio State University
Clark Ellen 1986 UC, Berkeley Y. Gafni Agricultural Research Organization
Cnaani Avner 2003 ARO, Min. Ag. T.D. Kocher University of Maryland http://www.agri.gov.il/en/people/801.aspx
Cnaani Jonathan 1999 Tel Aviv U J.O. Schmidt USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Cohen-Zinder Miri 2007 ARO, Min. Ag. H.A. Lewin The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Cohen Itay 2018 Ben Gurion U Arnold Bloom UC, Davis
Cohen Yuval 1994 ARO, Min. Ag. P.C. Zambryski The Regents of the University of California, Berkeley http://www.agri.gov.il/en/people/593.aspx
Dahan Ofer 1999 Ben Gurion U S.W. Tyler Desert Research Institute
Danieli Raz 2023 U Hebrew Federica Brandizzi U Michigan St.
David-Schwartz Rakefet 2003 ARO, Min. Ag. N.R. Sinha The Regents of the University of California, Davis https://rakefetds.wixsite.com/david-schwartz-lab
Davidi Lital 2016 Weizmann Inst. J.A. Loo University of California, Los Angeles
Dayan Jonathan 2011 Tel Aviv U T.P. Sun Duke University
Deeb Nader 1998 Hebrew U S.J. Lamont Iowa State University
DiFonzo Christina 1995 Michigan St. U B. Raccah Agricultural Research Organization http://www.canr.msu.edu/people/christina_difonzo
Distelfeld Assaf 2006 Tel Aviv U J. Dubcovsky The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Dor Maoz 2020 Oregon State Dorthe Wildenschild U Oregon St.
Dotan Shachaf 2009 ARO, Min. Ag. H.A. Ajwa The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Eckshtain Levi Noam 2015 Hebrew U B. Vinatzer Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Elenekave Ehud 2017 Hebrew U A.M. Perez Regents of the University of Minnesota
Elias Karol 1989 LSU, Ag Center T. Katan Agricultural Research Organization
Engel Maya 2019 Hebrew U Scott Fendorf U Stanford
Epsztein Razi 2017 Technion M. Elimelech Yale University
Eshed-Williams Leor 2003 Hebrew U J.C. Fletcher USDA, Agricultural Research Service https://scholars.huji.ac.il/leoreshedwilliams/
Eshed Yuval 1996 Weizmann Inst. J.L. Bowman The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Eyal Yoram 1992 ARO, Min. Ag. S.M. McCormick USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Ezra David 2001 ARO, Min. Ag. G.A. Strobel Montana State University
Faktor Ouriel 1989 Hebrew U C.J. Lamb The Salk Institute
Fallik Elazar 1988 ARO, Min. Ag. R.L. Robson University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc.
Farhi Moran 2012 Hebrew U N.R. Sinha The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Fischhendler Itay 2003 Hebrew U D. Zilberman The Regents of the University of California, Berkeley
Flaishman Moshe 1992 ARO, Min. Ag. P.E. Kolattukudy The Ohio State University
Fox Shalom 2015 Ben Gurion U T.Y. Cath
Freeman Stanley 1991 ARO, Min. Ag. R.J. Rodriguez Symbiogenics http://www.agri.gov.il/en/people/650.aspx
Freiberg Yaniv 2023 U Hebrew Yuji Arai U Illinois
Frenkel Omer 2008 ARO, Min. Ag. M.G. Milgroom Cornell University
Fridman Eyal 2002 ARO, Min. Ag. E. Pichersky The Regents of the University of Michigan
Gabay Gilad 2019 UC Davis Jorge Dubcovsky UC, Davis
Gafny Ron 1988 ARO, Min. Ag. R.N. Beachy Danforth Center for Plant Science
Galon-Wolfenson Yael 2011 Tel Aviv U D. Jackson Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Gamliel-Atinsky Efrat 2009 ARO, Min. Ag. H. Scherm University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc.
Ganot Yonatan 2018 Hebrew U Helen Dahlke UC, Davis
Gazit Yoav 1993 Citrus Marketing J.H. Tumlinson USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Ghanim Murad 2001 ARO, Min. Ag. K.P. White Yale University http://www.agri.gov.il/people/759.aspx
Gilboa Smadar 1994 Hebrew U R.T. Roush University of Adelaide
Goldenberg Dana 2016 Hebrew U C.L. Afonso USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Goldshmidt Alexander 2008 Weizmann Inst. D. Jackson Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Goldwasser Yaakov 1998 Hebrew U J.I. Yoder The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Golenberg Edward 2011 U Haifa M.T. Clegg The Regents of the University of California, Riverside
Gonda Itay 2014 Ben Gurion U J. Giovannoni Boyce Thompson Institute https://itaygonda.wixsite.com/gonda-lab
Gross Avner 2016 Hebrew U W. Silver The Regents of the University of California, Berkeley
Gur Amit 2004 ARO, Min. Ag. E.S. Buckler Cornell University http://www.agri.gov.il/he/people/1149.aspx
Guterman Hugo 1988 Ben Gurion U G. Stephanopoulos Massachusetts Institute of Technology https://www.lar-bgu.com/
Gvaryahu Gad 1986 Hebrew U D.L. Cunningham Cornell University
Haberfeld Alon 1990 Hebrew U E.A. Dunnington Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Hak Hagit 2015 Hebrew U V. Citovsky The Research Foundation of the State University of New York
Hambright Karl 1991 Cornell U M. Gophen Israel Oceanogr. & Limnolog. Res. Ltd.
Haran Shoshan 1997 Hebrew U I. Raskin Rutgers, The State University
Harari Ally 1994 ARO, Min. Ag. P.J. Landolt USDA, Agricultural Research Service http://www.agri.gov.il/en/people/755.aspx
Harpaz-Saad Smadar 2008 Hebrew U J.J. Kieber University of North Carolina
Harpaz Sheenan 1986 ARO, Min. Ag. M.R. Kare Monell Chemical Senses Center
Hausken Krist 2017 U New Hampshire Berta Levavi-Sivan Hebrew U
Heifetz Eli 2003 Hebrew U J.C.M. Dekkers Iowa State University
Heifetz Yael 1997 Hebrew U M.F. Wolfner Cornell University
Heilig Arie 1996 Tamar Regional Council T. Steenhuis Cornell University
Hendelman Anat 2016 Bar Ilan U Z.B. Lippman Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Herzberg Moshe 2005 Ben Gurion U M. Elimelech Yale University http://professorherzberg.wixsite.com/research
Hochberg Uri 2015 Ben Gurion U N.M Holbrook The President and Fellows of Harvard College
Holland Doron 1987 ARO, Min. Ag. P.C. Wolk Michigan State University
Ilan Nitza 1996 Hebrew U S.A.N. Goldstein Yale University
Illouz-Eliaz Netanella 2020 Hebrew U Joseph Ecker Salk Inst.
Inbar Yoseph 1989 Hebrew U H.A.J. Hoitink The Ohio State University
Ionescu Michael 2009 Hebrew U S.E. Lindow The Regents of the University of California, Berkeley
Isaacson Tal 2005 ARO, Min. Ag. J.K. Rose Cornell University
Ish Am Radian Adi 2014 Hebrew U L.P. Wackett Regents of the University of Minnesota
Izhaki Anat 2001 Hebrew U J.L. Bowman The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Jones Scott 1997 Utah St U S.P. Friedman Agricultural Research Organization http://soilphysics.usu.edu
Kapulnik Yoram 1986 BARD D.A. Phillips The Regents of the University of California, Davis www.bard-isus.com
Karniol Baruch 2001 Tel Aviv U R.D. Vierstra Washington University at St. Louis
Kashkush Khalil 2004 Ben Gurion U S.R. Wessler University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc.
Kaspi Roy 2000 Hebrew U M.P. Parrella The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Katz Ella 2017 Tel Aviv U D. Kliebenstein The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Kerem Zohar 1996 Hebrew U K.E. Hammel USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Kira Oz 2018 Technion Ying Sun U Cornell
Kishinevsky Miriam 2019 U Haifa Anthony Ives U Wisconsin
Klein Joshua 1986 ARO, Min. Ag. R. Ben-Arie Migal Galilee Technology Center
Kohay Hagi 2021 CMU Greg Lowry Carnegie Mellon U
Kolkovski Sagiv 1996 IS Postdoctoral Applicant K. Dabrowski The Ohio State University
Koltai Hinanit 1998 ARO, Min. Ag. D.M.K. Bird North Carolina State University http://www.agri.gov.il/en/people/597.aspx
Kritzman Anat 2003 ARO, Min. Ag. S.A. Ghabrial University of Kentucky Research Foundation
Krounbi Leilah 2021 U Cornell Roy Bernstein Ben Gurion U
Kunick Talya 1998 ARO, Min. Ag. C. Dingwall The Research Foundation of the State University of New York
Lapidot Moshe 1990 ARO, Min. Ag. R.N. Beachy Danforth Center for Plant Science http://www.agri.gov.il/en/people/586.aspx
Lavy Meirav 2006 Tel Aviv U M. Estelle The University of California, San Diego
Leshem Yehoram 2008 MIGAL R&D V. Sundaresan The Regents of the University of California, Davis http://www.migal.org.il/Yori-Leshem
Lev Sophie 2007 Technion B.J. Staskawicz The Regents of the University of California, Berkeley
Levine Alex 1992 Hebrew U C.J. Lamb The Salk Institute
Levintal Elad 2020 Ben Gurion U Helen Dahlke UC, Davis
Levy Alon 2001 Hebrew U H.J. Kung UC Davis Cancer Center
Levy Amit 2009 U Florida J.K. Rose Cornell University http://www.crec.ifas.ufl.edu/academics/faculty/levy/
Levy Edna 1990 Isr. Min. Agr. F.J. Gough USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Lichter Amnon 1995 ARO, Min. Ag. D. Mills Oregon State University http://www.agri.gov.il/en/people/699.aspx
Lior David 2002 Hebrew U P. Oefner Stanford University
Litvak Yael 2014 Hebrew U A. Baumler The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Lotan Amit 1995 Hebrew U S. Maeda The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Lounsbury Amanda 2019 Yale Alon Tal Tel Aviv U
Lupo Yaniv 2023 U Ben Gurion Andrew J. McElrone USDA, ARS
Luzzatto Knaan Tal 2013 Hebrew U P. Dorrestein The University of California, San Diego
Mahadav (Karmazyn) Assaf 2009 Hebrew U V. Reinke Yale University
Mandelbaum Raphi 1990 INDEPENDENT L.P. Wackett Regents of the University of Minnesota
Mandelik Yael 2004 Hebrew U C. Kremen The Univesity of British Columbia
Maoz Itay 2019 Hebrew U Natalia Dudareva U Purdue
Marcus Yehouda 1987 Tel Aviv U J.A. Berry Carnegie Institution of Washington
Martin Ronald 1995 UC, Davis R. Ben-Arie Migal Galilee Technology Center
Masalha Nedal 2016 Ben Gurion U T.H. Nguyen University of Illinois
Mau Yair 2014 Hebrew U A. Porporato Duke University yairmau.com
Mawassi Munir 1996 ARO, Min. Ag. W.O. Dawson University of Florida Board of Trustees
Mayer Raphael 1992 Hebrew U N.H. Chua Rockefeller University
Menda Naama 2005 Boyce Thompson L. Mueller Boyce Thompson Institute
Milo Cochavi Shira 2020 Hebrew U Li-Jun Ma U Mass
Miron Joshuah 1987 ARO, Min. Ag. M.T. Yokoyama Michigan State University
Miyara Itay 2008 Hebrew U M.B. Dickman Texas A&M AgriLife Research www.grofit-ag.com
Mor Tsafrir 1997 Arizona St. U C.J. Arntzen Arizona State University
Morag Neta 2014 Hebrew U H. Goodrich-Blair University of Wisconsin - Madison
Morin Efrat 2000 Hebrew U S. Sorooshian The Regents of the University of California, Irvine en.earth.huji.ac.il/people/efrat-morin
Morin Shai 2000 Hebrew U R. Feyereisen Arizona Board of Regents, The University of Arizona http://departments.agri.huji.ac.il/entomology/shai_morin/WhiteflyLab/
Morrison Laura 1995 Oregon St. U M. Feldman Weizmann Institute of Science
Moskowitz Haim 1993 UC, Davis B.D. Hammock The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Mosquna Assaf 2010 Hebrew U S. Cutler The Regents of the University of California, Riverside
Muklada Hussein 2019 Hebrew U Lawrence Smart U Cornell
Nadler-Hassar Talia 2003 Hebrew U S.J. Nissen Colorado State University
Nasser Ahmed 1996 ARO, Min. Ag. M. Cheney University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
NIR IDO 2019 Hebrew U Dominique Bergmann U Stanford
Olesinski Amnon 1995 Hebrew U I. Raskin Rutgers, The State University
Olshansky Yaniv 2015 Hebrew U J. Chorover Arizona Board of Regents, The University of Arizona
Or Etti 1991 ARO, Min. Ag. B. Larkins Arizona Board of Regents, The University of Arizona
Oren Elad 2022 U Hebrew Edward Buckler U Cornell
Ori Naomi 1997 Hebrew U S. Hake USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Orlova Margarita 2016 Tel Aviv U G. Amdam Arizona State University
Ostersetzer-Biran Oren 2001 Hebrew U A. Barkan University of Oregon
Ostrov Ievgeniia 2019 Hebrew U Ilya Raskin U Rutgers
Palti Yniv 1998 USDA, ARS G. Hulata Agricultural Research Organization https://www.ars.usda.gov/northeast-area/leetown-wv/cool-and-cold-water-aquaculture-research/people/yniv-palti/
Pekker Irena 2007 Weizmann Inst. P.D. Zamore University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Peleg Hanna 1992 INDEPENDENT A.C. Noble The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Peleg Zvi 2008 Hebrew U E. Blumwald The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Pimstein Agustin 2009 Ben Gurion U M.C. Anderson USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Pinchasov Yosef 1987 Hebrew U L.S. Jensen University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc.
Pitcovski Jacob 1986 MIGAL R&D S.J. Lamont Iowa State University
Porat Ron 1995 ARO, Min. Ag. S.D. O'Neill The Regents of the University of California, Davis http://www.agri.gov.il/he/people/702.aspx
Posmanik Roy 2014 Ben Gurion U J. W. Tester Cornell University www.posmaniklab.com
Preisler Yakir 2019 Hebrew U Noel Michelle Holbrook U Harvard
Rachmilevitch Shimon 2002 Ben Gurion U A.J. Bloom The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Ramon Guy 2010 Technion E.M.V. Hoek University of California, Los Angeles
Rauner Gat 2016 Hebrew U G. Van de Walle Cornell University
Raz Yaseef Naama 2009 Weizmann Inst. D.D. Baldocchi The Regents of the University of California, Berkeley https://eesa.lbl.gov/profiles/naama-raz-yaseef/
Reshef Noam 2020 Ben Gurion U Gavin Sacks U Cornell
Reznik Ami 2017 Hebrew U A. Dinar The Regents of the University of California, Riverside
Ron Micha 1988 ARO, Min. Ag. G.A. Gutman The Regents of the University of California, Irvine
Ron Mily 2006 Tel Aviv U S.M. McCormick USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Ronen Avner 2014 Temple U S. Walker The Regents of the University of California, Riverside https://avnerronen.wixsite.com/emsp
Rosenberg Jacob 1989 ARO, Min. Ag. H.M. Kronenberg Massassachutes General Hospital
Rosenfeld David 1993 Technion R.P. Rohrbach North Carolina State University
Roth Zvi 2002 Hebrew U P.J. Hansen University of Florida Board of Trustees https://kalo09.wixsite.com/rothlab
Sabehat Adnan 1997 Hebrew U A.B. Bennett The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Sade Nir 2014 Hebrew U E. Blumwald The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Sadeh Asaf 2011 U Haifa J.A. Rosenheim The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Sagee Oded 1987 ARO, Min. Ag. C.J. Lovatt The Regents of the University of California, Riverside
Sagi Amir 1989 Ben Gurion U H. Laufer University of Connecticut http://www.bgu.ac.il/~sagia
Sapir Yuval 2004 Tel Aviv U L.H. Rieseberg The Univesity of British Columbia http://labsapir.wix.com/labsapir
Saroussi Shai 2013 Tel Aviv U A.R. Grossman Carnegie Institute of Washington
Savaldi-Goldstein Sigal 2003 Technion J. Chory The Salk Institute
Schaffer Mark 1990 UC, Berkeley R. Fluhr Weizmann Institute of Science
Schickler Hedva 1989 Hebrew U J. Messing Rutgers, The State University
Segev-Zarko Li-av 2018 Weizmann Inst. John Boothroyd U Stanford
Segoli Michal 2009 Ben Gurion U J.A. Rosenheim The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Sessa Guido 1997 Tel Aviv U G.B. Martin Boyce Thompson Institute https://sessalab.wixsite.com/site
Shaar-Moshe Lidor 2018 Hebrew U Siobhan Brady UC, Davis
Shabtai Itamar 2018 Hebrew U Johannes Lehmann U Cornell
Shafir Shai 2009 Isr. Ocean. Res. C.L. Hunter University of Hawaii
Shalom Liron 2015 Hebrew U J. Maloof The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Shani Eilon 2010 Tel Aviv U M. Estelle The University of California, San Diego https://en-lifesci.tau.ac.il/profile/eilonsh
Shapir Nir 1999 ARO, Min. Ag. L.P. Wackett Regents of the University of Minnesota
Sharon Amir 1992 Tel Aviv U O.C. Yoder Cornell University
Shelef Oren 2015 Ben Gurion U L.A. Dyer Board of Regents, NSHE, University of Nevada, Reno https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Oren_Shelef
Shemer Tamar 2011 ARO, Min. Ag. J.I. Schroeder The University of California, San Diego https://www.azoulayshemerlab.com
Sher Daniel J. 2007 U Haifa S. Chisholm Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sher Yonatan 2014 Ben Gurion U M.K. Firestone The Regents of the University of California, Berkeley
Shkolnik-Inbar Doron 2012 Ben Gurion U A.S. Murphy University of Maryland
Shocron Amit 2023 Technion Menachem Elimelech Yale
Shoseyov Oded 1988 Hebrew U R.H. Doi The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Shpigler Hagai 2013 Hebrew U G.E. Robinson University of Illinois
Shtienberg Dan 1987 ARO, Min. Ag. W.E. Fry Cornell University
Siebner-Freibach Hagar 2007 Hebrew U G. Brown, Jr. Stanford University
Siegel Adam 2012 Arizona St. U G. Bloch The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Singher Liviu 1994 Technion G.E. Miles Purdue University
Singurindy Olga 2004 Weizmann Inst. T. Steenhuis Cornell University
Sitrit Yaron 1994 Ben Gurion U A.B. Bennett The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Sivan Alex 1987 Ben Gurion U G.E. Harman Cornell University
Solomon Eitan 2014 Hebrew U J. Jez Washington University at St. Louis
Solomon Ran 1998 Isr. Min. Agr. D.E. Bauman Cornell University
Sorek Nadav 2010 Tel Aviv U C.R. Somerville The Regents of the University of California, Berkeley
Spiegelman Ziv 2015 Hebrew U K. Gallagher University of Pennsylvania
Steinberger Eva 1987 UC, Davis M. Bar-Joseph Agricultural Research Organization
Tal Lior 2017 Weizmann Inst. N. Shabek The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Tal Yossi 2000 UMD Marine BioTech H.J. Schreier U MD, Biotechnology Institute
Talal Stav 2018 Tel Aviv U Jon Harrison U Arizona St.
Teper Doron 2017 Tel Aviv U N. Wang University of Florida Board of Trustees
Tietel Zipora 2012 ARO, Min. Ag. O. Fiehn The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Tom Moshe 1988 Isr. Ocean. Res. M. Fingerman Tulane University
Trakhtenbrot Anna 2012 Hebrew U G. Katul Duke University
Trebitsh Tova 1994 Ben Gurion U S.D. O'Neill The Regents of the University of California, Davis
Tzfira Tzvi 1998 Ben Gurion U V. Citovsky The Research Foundation of the State University of New York
Tzin Vered 2012 Ben Gurion U G. Jander Boyce Thompson Institute https://scholars.bgu.ac.il/display/vtzin
Tzipilevich Elhanan 2018 Hebrew U Philip Benfey U Duke
Uni Daphna 2023 U Hebrew William Kolby Smith U Arizona
Uni Zehava 1991 Hebrew U K.A. Schat Cornell University
Vainstein Alexander 1986 Hebrew U E.M. Tobin University of California, Los Angeles
Valinsky Lea 2000 ARO, Min. Ag. J. Borneman The Regents of the University of California, Riverside
Vitlin Gruber Anna 2015 Tel Aviv U S. Merchant University of California, Los Angeles
Volpin Hanne 1995 ARO, Min. Ag. D.A. Phillips The Regents of the University of California, Davis http://www.danziger-innovations.com/
Vonshak Merav 2010 Tel Aviv U D. Gordon Stanford University
Wattad Castro 1995 ARO, Min. Ag. N.T. Keen The Regents of the University of California, Riverside
Weinthal Dan Michael 2008 Tel Aviv U T. Tzfira Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Weisburd Richard 1988 Environmental Studies T. Berman Israel Oceanogr. & Limnolog. Res. Ltd.
Wiesman Zeev 1990 Ben Gurion U A.K. Mattoo USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Yaari Rafael 2017 Tel Aviv U R. Schmitz University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc.
Yadgary Liran 2013 Hebrew U D. Pomp University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Yair Roni 2015 Hebrew U M.S. Allen Michigan State University
Yakir Dan 1986 Weizmann Inst. M.J. DeNiro University of California, Los Angeles http://www.weizmann.ac.il/EPS/Yakir/
Yakir Ophir 1992 ARO, Min. Ag. S.V. Beer Cornell University
Yakoby Nir 2000 ARO, Min. Ag. I. Raskin Rutgers, The State University https://yakoby.camden.rutgers.edu/
Yalovsky Shaul 1993 Tel Aviv U W. Gruissem The Regents of the University of California, Berkeley
Yarden Oded 1989 Hebrew U C. Yanofsky Stanford University http://www.agri.huji.ac.il/~yardeno/
Yehudai-Resheff Shlomit 2003 Technion D.B. Stern Boyce Thompson Institute
Yonash Nissim 1996 ARO, Min. Ag. H.H. Cheng USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Yunis Reem 2000 UC, Davis K.A. Schat Cornell University
Zaguri Moshe 2021 Hebrew U Jennifer S. Thaler U Cornell
Zait Yotam 2018 Hebrew U Sarah Assmann U Penn State
Zaltsman Adi 2005 Hebrew U V. Citovsky The Research Foundation of the State University of New York http://www.plantgeneticengineering.com/
Zavaliev Raul 2014 Tel Aviv U X. Dong Duke University
Zchori-Fein Einat 1999 ARO, Min. Ag. J.K. Brown Arizona Board of Regents, The University of Arizona
Zeidan Mouhammad 1994 Isr. Min. Agr. D.P. Maxwell University of Wisconsin - Madison
Zexer Nerya 2022 U Hebrew Charles Anderson U Penn State
Zvulunov Yael 2022 Colorado St Thomas Borch U Colorado St.