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Document Title

NIFA-BARD-MOST Nutritional Security

Research Priorities. 

 More information about each project is available here. 

 Impact of Nutrition and Diet on Health and Wellbeing

1.       Understanding nutrition security at individual, household, and community levels. Smart nutrition program to promote nutrition security and health.

2.       Prenatal starting early program: mHealth intervention in prenatal care and WIC to improve nutrition and physical activity during pregnancy.

3.       Increasing food literacy to reduce obesity risk in preschool children.

4.       Determinants and outcomes of high vs. low ultra-processed feeding

5.       Harvesting healthy habits in long beach: A nutrition and gardening Intervention to Prevent chronic diseases among underserved populations.

6.       Targeting environmental and nutritional factors in early life for optimal growth

7.       Effects of maternal nutrient restriction on fetal intestine development

Food Science, Processing, and Safety

1.       Food processing level and nutritional quality: Considerations for dietary energy intake in adults

2.       Exploring the feasibility of end of production regimens for leafy greens.

3.       Crop exposure to micro-nano plastics and impact on human nutrition and health

Agricultural Systems and Crop Research

1.       An apple a day: interrogating apple for crop nutritional quality improvement

2.       Developing an alliance for training and apprenticeship in climate-smart agriculture (DATA-Ag)

3.       QTL analyses identify genetic components regulating the interactions between plants, pathogens, and the environment in the face of climate change.

4.       Leveraging high-throughput genotyping and phenotyping technologies to accelerate wheat improvement and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability in Agriculture

1.       Interactions of soil- and rhizosphere microbiomes, plant nutrition, and nitrous oxide production

2.       Determinants of rangeland recovery after extreme drought: foundational understanding of drought legacies and climate to inform management.

3.       How Food crops become contaminated with heavy metals

4.       Evaluating the nutritional profile of industrial hemp farm-bbyproducts and extraction Residues as alternative feed resources for goats

5.       How climate adaptation affects yield and stress tolerance in wild psyllium: a new plant product for food, fibber, and rangeland restoration

6.       Phenomics and modelling enabled decision support for climate-adapted wheat germplasm development.

Advanced Data Analytics and Data Science in Food and Nutrition

1.       Applying machine learning to assess dietary patterns.

2.       DSFAS: Machine learning integration of multitemporal imagery and genomics to accelerate development of climate-smart rice.

3.       Investigating the role of nutrition information, literacy, and the updated nutrition facts label.

4.       Using natural experiments to understand nutrition labels on nutrition disparities And Retail Pricing.

Strategies for Livestock Health and Productivity

1.       Improving the efficiency of beef production by understanding the untapped potential of mitochondrial variation

2.       The role of ketones on energy metabolism, milk production, and the development of peripartal disease in dairy cows

3.       Efficient forge utilization in beef cows.

Integrated Genomics and Metagenomics in Food and Nutrition

1.       Integrated genomics and metagenomics predictions and modulation of the gut microbiota-muscle axis to improve fillet yield in rainbow trout.

2.       Anti-inflammatory Interactions of gallotannins with the Intestinal Microbiome.