Document Title

Nutritional Security Program


A collaborative framework to support joint U.S.- Israel research led by BARD, USDA-NIFA and the Israeli Ministry of Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology (MOST)


The BARD-NIFA-MOST Nutritional Security program is a new funding track that enhances U.S.-Israel collaboration on joint scientific innovation to address the multifaceted challenges of nutritional security. The program focuses on solutions to promote health, reduce hunger and address diet-related health issues, while enhancing sustainability. Beyond food quality, the program places specific emphasis on the affordability, accessibility, and overall availability of nutritionally balanced diets that are crucial for human well-being.


The Nutritional Security program comes within the collaborative framework between the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), established in 2013 to expand the opportunities for American and Israeli scientists to collaborate in research activities that promote the mutual agricultural interest of both countries and facilitate mutual benefits. The new program is run in partnership with Israel’s Ministry of Science and Innovation.


With the increasing global population and decreasing natural resources, scientific focus has often focused on the immediate challenge of food security and the need to urgently produce more. However, quantity does not ensure quality and sound nutrition.

Increasingly we are seeing the ill-effects of nutritional deficiencies and insufficiently diverse diets. This is a global challenge affecting human health and well-being as well as national economies. This calls for urgent solutions.


The BARD Nutritional Security Program, under the auspices of the BARD Foundation, is unwaveringly committed to spearheading and catalyzing transformative multidisciplinary research initiatives that harness the collaborative strengths of the United States and Israel. Our mission is to proactively tackle the urgent global challenge of nutritional security by driving the advancement of scientific knowledge, fostering innovation, and championing sustainable agricultural practices.

We are resolutely dedicated to promoting joint research programs that not only deepen our understanding but also yield practical solutions to enhance the quality, quantity, safety, health, and affordability of nutritious food for both nations and beyond. With a steadfast focus on state-of-the-art knowledge, technology, and resources, we aim to cultivate resilient and nutritionally sound food systems. Our overarching goal is to make substantial contributions to the promotion of nutritional well-being, extending the benefits of our research to create a healthier, more secure food future for all.

 Cooperative Research

Cooperative research entails active collaboration between Israeli and American research scientists. Collaboration is limited to the list of projects who have been funded by NIFA.

Awards are based upon the details of the budget justification, the number of funded institutions in the proposed project (up to 3 Israeli research institutions), and the nature of the specific research program. The maximum award that can be requested per project is 480,000 NIS for a period of three years. 

Eligibility -who may apply

Affiliates of public or private non-profit research institutions that demonstrate the necessary research and development capabilities are eligible for funding. Proposals must be submitted through such legally constituted institutions.  

Funding Policy

Researchers with current BARD funding are eligible to apply.  Please note however that proposals for enhancing existing research projects will not be accepted.  Additionally, proposals currently submitted to the general BARD research program or proposals overlapping with other currently funded BARD research grants will not be accepted. The execution of this program is contingent upon transfer of funds from the Ministry of Science and Technology to BARD.


Regulatory Agency Requirements

Proposals and grants must adhere to the policies and regulations established by the regulatory agencies of the country in which the research is to be conducted. Exchange of GMO, exotic species and other materials between countries may require special authorization. The signature of the authorized officer of the research authority indicates that these policies and regulations were met.


The submission dates will be set every year by the program RFP (including pre-proposals applications) and published on the MOST and BARD websites.  NIFA will inform eligible scientists about this research opportunity. 

The Application and Evaluation Process:

Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated based on the following criteria: scientific merit, probability of success, quality of collaboration, and relevance to the program’s priorities.

The application is a two-step process. Only investigators who are approved after the first stage will be able to submit proposals to the second step.
A breif pre-proposal is to be submitted by May 1, 2024.  The full proposal deadline is July 7, 2024.

Pre-Proposal Guidelines

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Hebrew RFP