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May 2020

“We have to shorten the food supply-chain and come up with solutions that enable consumers to reach fresh produce at all times.  Simultaneously, we must build resilience in order to ensure for food security and better nutation. Research must include, among other things, breeding of new verities to better fit the  requirements of indoor or urban agriculture, more technology to increase precision and sustainability in farming. We need to put an emphasis on reduction of food waste and food losses at all stages, starting at the farm production up to the end users”.  Prof. Yoram Kapulnik, Executive Director of BARD


Read the full article (in Hebrew)

 About BARD:

BARD- the U.S-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund, established in 1979, is a competitive funding program that supports collaborative agricultural research in areas of mutual interest to the U.S and Israel. BARD has funded outstanding agricultural science activities by leading researchers from the two countries. Its projects cover all phases of agricultural research and development, including integrated projects and strategic and applied research.